The Impact Our Care Partners Have Made


“I am extremely fortunate for my care partner who has been with me, by my side since the beginning of our journey when my mom was first diagnosed with ALS.
I don’t know what U would do without Dawn. She’s been so supportive through it all. She lifts me up, gives me advice, prays with me and foir ne. I appreciate every little detail she offers me. I’m beyond blessed to have her as my care partner and friend.”

-Edriana, cALS

“The resources that my care partner was able to provide for me while my husband was sick were invaluable to us. Also having someone to talk to who was impartial to your situation has been so helpful it just gives me a safe place to talk about anything that I need or want to talk about. I can vent or I can just chat and my care partner is there to give me what I need on that given day, it has been a blessing.

-Karen, cALS

“Having a care partner who genuinely cares makes a huge difference in my life@! It means so much to have someone remind me that God is with me, renew my faith and give me hope.

-Beth, pALS

“I started talking to my care partner about a year ago. I was matched with a wonderful care partner to talk with.It took me a while to open up about myself for I personally felt. The more I talked with her, the more I realized that she became someone I can share my life with.She taught me a lot about myself and how to open up. I began sharing my most inner feelings about having ALS. She has taught me it’s okay to feel a certain way, and has given me advice on how to deal with my ALS.It also helps to know that I have someone else to talk with. I know my family has to deal with me having ALS as well. I’m thankful for my care partner for listening. She is a wonderful person and has a wonderful understanding of what I go through.

-Pattie, pALS

“Having my care partner in my life while having ALS has been a blessing. She is always there for an encouraging word or prayer. She also has so much helpful information that she readily shares. Knowing that is only a phone call or text away is very comforting. I can’t say enough positive things about her kindness and understanding.

-Mary, pALS

“Having a care partner has been a real blessing. It allows me to have a safe space to speak about whatever is on my mind. It also gives me a chance to ask difficult questions without judgement. I always feel good after talking with my care partner.

-Renee, cALS